
Custom Row Template

Sometimes you might want to customize exactly how rows are displayed in a table. Vue-good-table also supports dynamic td templates where you dictate how to display the cells. Example:

  <template #table-row="props">
    <span v-if="props.column.field == 'age'">
      <span style="font-weight: bold; color: blue;">{{props.row.age}}</span> 
    <span v-else>


NameAgeCreated OnPercent
John20Jul 2nd 113.34%
Jane24Oct 31st 113.34%
Susan16Oct 30th 113.34%


  • The original row object can be accessed via props.row
  • The currently displayed table row index can be accessed via props.index .
  • The original row index can be accessed via props.row.originalIndex. You can then access the original row object by using rows[props.row.originalIndex].
  • The column object can be accessed via props.column
  • You can access the formatted row data (for example - formatted date) via props.formattedRow

Adding custom columns

Sometimes you might want to add columns to the table that are not part of your row data. Maybe before or after the other columns.

  <template #table-row="props">
    <span v-if="props.column.field == 'before'">
    <span v-else-if="props.column.field == 'after'">
    <span v-else>

keep in mind that you'll need to add the custom columns to your column definition.

  label: 'Before',
  field: 'before'
  label: 'After',
  field: 'after'


BeforeNameAgeCreated OnPercentAfter
before John20Jul 2nd 113.34% after
before Jane24Oct 31st 113.34% after
before Susan16Oct 30th 113.34% after

Custom column headers

Sometimes you might want to customize column headers. You can do that in the following way

  <template #table-column="props">
     <span v-if="props.column.label =='Name'">
        <i class="fa fa-address-book"></i> {{props.column.label}}
     <span v-else>

Custom column filters

Sometimes you might want a custom filter. You can do that in the following way:

  <template #column-filter="props">

Add a custom property in your columns to conditionally render the custom-filter slot where needed.

columns: [
    label: 'Name',
    field: 'name'
    label: 'Category',
    field: 'category'
    label: 'Statistics',
    field: 'statistics',
    filterOptions: {
      customFilter: true
// in your methods
handleCustomFilter(value) {
  // filtering logic here

You can add a function to handle the filtering logic in your own component, or optionally updateFilters can be used. The updateFilters method is in vue-good-table and will include your custom filter value with the other column filters. You can also provide a function to formatValue inside of filterOptions to transform the value before filtering on it.

  <template #column-filter="{ column, updateFilters }">
      @input="(value) => updateFilters(column, value)"/>

In your columns, you may want to display the value from one property but need to filter on another. If you set a slotFilterField in your filterOptions, that property will be used for the custom filter slot.

  label: 'Name',
  field: 'name.displayName',
  filterOptions: {
    customFilter: true,
    slotFilterField: '',
    formatValue: function (value) {
      return valueArray.join(',');  

Note the formatValue function. This is where you can provide formatting logic to transform your filter value.

Upgrading from versions 2.20.0-2.21.0

Older versions of vue-good-table included a built-in multiselect filter. If you upgrade to the latest version and would still like to use this filter, follow these steps:

  • Install and set up vue-select in your project, follwing the guide at
  @input="(value) => updateFilters(column, value)"
  • Make sure to set the multiple attribute for a multiselect filter.
  • Set an array of options on the options attribute of v-select. If you were using the built in multiselect filter, move them from the column property filterOptions.multiSelectDropdownItems.
  • vue-select emits an array of values when set to multiple. To convert the array of data into a comma separated string or another format, provide a function on filterOptions.formatValue.
  @input="(valuesArray) => updateFilters(column, valuesArray)"
// vue-select emits an array of any objects selected in the dropdown
// which is being converted to a string of ids to pass into the column filter value
data: {
  optionList: [
      name: 'Joan',
      id: 1
      name: 'Don',
      id: 2
  columns: [
      label: 'name',
      field: 'name',
      filterOptions: {
        enabled: true,
        customFilter: true,
        formatValue: this.formatFilterValue
methods: {
  formatFilterValue(valuesArray) {
    return =>',');


Custom pagination

Sometimes you might want to customize the pagination. You can do that in the following way:

  :pagination-options="{enabled: true}">
  <template #pagination-bottom="props">
// within your <custom-pagination> component
props: {
  pageChanged: {
    type: Function,
  perPageChanged: {
    type: Function,
// and...
methods: {
  customPageChange(customCurrentPage) {
    this.pageChanged({currentPage: customCurrentPage});
  customPerPageChange(customPerPage) {
    this.perPageChanged({currentPerPage: customPerPage});


You will have to implement your own pagination system:

  • The total number of rows can be accessed via
  • The function to call when the current page has changed can be accessed via props.pageChanged.
  • The function to call when the per page value has changed can be accessed via props.perPageChanged .